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The silent threat of tuna

The silent threat of tuna

The silent threat of tuna? Fish is known to be a good source of protein. Because it is easy to digest and has many nutritional values, whether freshwater fish or marine fish are all beneficial to us. Including the delicious tuna It can be cooked in a variety

How to choose the best glasses?

How to choose the best glasses

How to choose the best glasses? Many people may not have tried to measure the tape measure with our faces. But if we want to know what kind of face we have, this method can really help you calculate. There are 3 main points that we need

What is the cause of Aurora?

What is the cause of Aurora?

What is the cause of Aurora? Nowadays, going on a northern lights hunting tour is becoming more and more popular. It is said that it is very beautiful and beautiful, so people who are a true tourist should not miss it. But what is this Northern Lights,

invention of barcodes

History of the invention of barcodes

The history of the invention of barcodes. It was invented by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver, two alumni of the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia, USA, sparking the invention of the Wall Ace Flint barcode from Harvard Business School in the year. 1932. Where he offered

injure the kidneys

7 behaviors that injure the kidneys

7 behaviors that injure the kidneys. The kidneys are another important organ that we need to take care of. Both food and eating Including other behaviors that we do every day.  Drinking too little or too much water The primary function of the kidneys is to

who don't like breakfast

7 diseases for people who don’t like breakfast

7 diseases for people who don’t like breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals ever, but there are people who neglect to eat before going out. Because everyone tends to rush in the morning Afraid to go to work or not to study in time . Causing

Social media addiction

Social media addiction

Social media addiction Risk of depression – check out the preliminary symptoms here.In the current technology Into more and more important roles in people’s daily life. Sometimes the smart phone is like the fifth human factor that can be done because smartphones can give us easy and fast

obsessive compulsive disorder

6 signs of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

 6 signs you have obsessive compulsive disorder , OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) or obsessive compulsive disorder Is a psychological condition. It was found that 2 -3 percent of the population had this disease. The average age to experience this disease is 19-20 years. Symptoms are manifested repetitive symptoms, thoughts arise in

Silent disaster eye health

Silent disaster eye health

Silent disaster eye health. We all know that we should have our physical health checked every year. But few people pay attention to eye examinations, despite the fact that the eye is the most essential sensory organ for life. Working for us in every activity But received the