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Category Archives: knowledge

gigantic holes from around the world

9 gigantic holes from around the world Caused by both humans and nature

Many gigantic holes from around the world Caused by both humans and nature.The phenomenon of collapse It is caused by many factors such as storms, landslides, collapses or earthquakes. What is frightening is the phenomenon of the collapse that killed many people around the world. Let’s see

The innovations from NASA

The innovations from NASA that are used in everyday life

The innovations from NASA that are used in everyday life. Until it became a familiar itemThe research and experimentation of the famous NASA organization requires careful and meticulousness.  Now, human life in space has many limitations, so many inventions have to invent , and some of

Health issues for astronauts

Health issues for astronauts

Health issues for astronauts , Today we will take you to space together. Which is a dream (Not reaching) of many people, although the career as an astronaut is envious in many respects. But the risks and the stories of heartache are the same as those on the