4 remarkable astronomical discoveries from ‘ancient Greece’

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4 remarkable astronomical discoveries from ‘ancient Greece’ What we have discovered from ancient Greece is full of fascinating history. And it is now the basis for great progress.

This is the remarkable knowledge of astronomy that ancient Greece discovered. Also contain accurate or close information The same is true of science today!

1 Planets orbits the Sun

Aristarchus of Samos further described the sun as The center of fire is the oldest known Heliocentric theory in the solar system.

Unfortunately, those evidence were lost in history. It is not known exactly how Aristarchus knew that the Sun was larger than the Earth and the Moon.

However, these were some remarkable discoveries. Especially when it wasn’t discovered until the 16th century by ufabet Nicolaus Copernicus.

2 the size of the moon

One of Aristarchus’s books has revealed the size and phase of the Sun and Moon. In this remarkable article, Aristarchus conducted the first calculations of magnitude and distance relative to the Sun and the Moon.

The reason is that the Sun, Earth and Moon form right triangles. Therefore, it can estimate that the distance of the Sun is between 18 – 20 times the distance to the moon. He also predicted that the moon is about a third the size of the Earth by the time of the lunar eclipse.

3 world circumference

Eratosthenes who was head librarian at the Great Library of Alexandria and an ardent experimenter. From his experiments, he found the size of the Earth. By using different lengths of shadows on vertical columns at noon and at different latitudes.

Differences shadow thus show that the Earth’s surfaces curve. Eratosthenes can use this to estimate the Earth’s circumference of 40,000 km, which is close to the actual size set by modern science.

4 The world’s first astronomical calculator

The world’s oldest mechanical calculator, the Antikythera Mechanism, It discover in an ancient shipwreck off Antikythera Island in 1900.

It uses a hand crank to show the occurrence of the lunar eclipse and the positions of stars. Even though he still does not know the exact person But it is a complex mechanism that was discovered a thousand years later.