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Category Archives: knowledge

Is chocolate good for health?

          Cocoa is the key to keeping our favorite chocolates healthy. Because real cocoa is rich in flavonoid substances that help nourish our blood vessels to be strong. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC). Flavonoids affect our cardiovascular health. It will

Benefits of tomato.

          Hero of the round tomato is lycopene. Which is another substance in the carotenoid group. lycopene . Found in red-orange fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, papaya, carrots, gacs, and grapefruits, they are considered antioxidants. Excellent prevention of cancer from the information of Mahidol University states that in 100 grams of fresh tomatoes,

Who is at risk for goiter?

Who is at risk for goiter?

Who is at risk for goiter?      Children or infants who are not getting enough iodine from the diet or have a congenital thyroid disorder      expectant mothers with thyroid disease      have a family history of thyroid disease      People who have had an autoimmune

Vegetarian food a good helper for heart patients.

Vegetarian food a good helper for heart patients

Vegetarian food, easy to make, delicious to eat, a good helper for heart patients. With a fast paced lifestyle causing more and more people to get sick. Whether it is cancer Hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, including heart disease. And with various diseases that occur by themselves, patients Or

What are the benefits of yogurt?

What are the benefits of yogurt?

1. Help the digestive system better. Who knows that there is a problem with the digestive system? Eating yogurt may help. The probiotics in yogurt produced by lactic acid bacteria can help relieve constipation, diarrhea, and chronic inflammatory bowel disease. and even infection with H. pylori bacteria, which

Reasons why you always feel hungry (2)

Reasons why you always feel hungry (2)

Food Reasons why you always feel hungry (2) White bread, processed foods, and fast food are all high in fat and no healthy carbs. If you eat a lot of these foods may be hungry faster and eat more than they should while foods that are high in protein,

Reasons why you always feel hungry

Reasons why you always feel hungry

Reasons why you always feel hungry. Feeling hungry is natural. Because normally the body needs food to use as energy. It’s no wonder why you can feel hungry after 3-4 hours of not eating, but it’s normal if your stomach keeps rumbling. Even if you’ve just eaten recently. Maybe

Ways to Keep Your Skin Firm Even on a Diet.

Ways to Keep Your Skin Firm Even on a Diet

Ways to Keep Your Skin Firm Even on a Diet. Exercise is one of the ways to lose weight that many people are already familiar with. Although there are ways that can help you get the fit and firm body you want. But the result can turn out to

Benefits of avocado

Benefits of avocado

Benefits of avocado can be seen that avocados contain many nutrients and vitamins, thus providing many benefits to the body. 1. Help lose weight Avocados are known to be an excellent weight loss and bad fat fruit for helping to lower cholesterol in the blood. It

eating fresh vegetables affect the body?

How does eating fresh vegetables affect the body?

How does eating fresh vegetables affect the body? Many people may enjoy eating raw or uncooked vegetables. Because it gives a fresh feeling It has a different touch from cooked vegetables. And may also contain higher amounts of certain nutrients than cooked vegetables. Especially water-soluble vitamins. But consuming fresh vegetables